
Daily Dose of Drag and Drive #66 – Tips, SRSBPA Stats and Sick Seconds 2.0 is for Sale!!

Daily Dose of Drag and Drive #66
Survive a Drag and Drive Tip – Pre-hydrate – add a bottle of Pedialyte or at least Gatorade/Powerade to your intake daily leading up to the weekend. Don’t let dehydration affect your brain enough to cost you even a .10th of a second.
One thing before we start, we will only use your fastest Average ET to populate lists. So, if you have competed in more than one event, we will only keep your fastest time.
NEW for DRAG WEEK, we will be updating the Lists daily with “Pending” spots for the potential placement of Racers. Every night these lists will be updated with the racers “Pending” placement on all 2022 Lists currently on the Website. You’ll be able to strategize your game plan for the Quickest 100 Racers and the Top 25 10 -14 second racers lists. This is a step in the right direction to lead us to almost real time updates, which we are currently working on as well.
I have been working hard to dig through the Billy Gebhart All Time Hot Rod Drag Week stats to find interesting match-ups and tight races for important spots. I want to thank the Gebhart family for the trust with Billy’s hard-earned data. The more I dig, the more it amazes my at his record-keeping. There is a lot more coming, after Drag Week 2022.
I made a post to see what you wanted to see from this data. Lonnie Tibbs and Steve Trance had some great responses. If you have a question about Drag Week historical data, make the comment below.
Lonnie Tibbs –
Who’s never missed? Tonya Turk is the longest running attendee, being the only person to attend EVERY Hot Rod Drag Week sine 2005. Clark Rosenstengel has competed the most with 15 Drag Weeks under his belt.
Most consecutive? Clark Rosenstengel has attended since 2006, Rick Callahan and Steve Eden following up with events since 2007. Steve Eden bringing the same car, his 1970 Chevy Nova!
Never DNFs? Most Finishes with NO DNF – Steve Eden with 14 events in his Yellow 1970 Nova, best average is 10.9020 in 2019. Ross Dudley just behind Steve with 13 finishes and no DNFs.
Most DNFs – Jon Huber with 7 of 10 entries. Having always raced SRSBPA. Best Finish so far is 2009 with a 9.3718. A few other notable DNFers – Schroeder/Ens at 6 of 11 entres. Clark Rosentsengel with 5 of 15 entries. Tom Bailey with 5 of 11. Jeff Lutz 5 of 9. Mike Chenoweth with 5 of 8. Brian Kohlmann with 5 of 8. I asked Jon why he keeps returning to Drag Week, his reply was “Drag Week is the ultimate test on not only the machine, but the person or people also. The reason I have done it so many time is you meet ALOT of great people and make great memories.”
Steve Trance – Top Three spread in SR/SB/PA
Steve says “What makes this class difficult is making a bumper-to-bumper stock frame, bolt on suspension, 3200lbs plus, 1100hp typical, 11” tire limited car run very tight numbers for the week. We can’t run any icebox or turbo plumbing past the firewall either so with weight on the nose that is another chassis tuning effort. It takes 3-4 passes a day most of the week. Usually late leaving the track and getting to the hotel real late even if you have no trouble. One and done is rare if you want to run up front.”
To read about Steve’s car – https://drag-n-drive.com/2022/03/18/f…
There have only been two people to ever submit a perfect 8.5000 during Drag Week, both in 2019!! – Rick Steinke and Jim Braun
Top 5 All Time Finishers for SRSBPA – All-Time racers since 2012 – prior to 2012, it seems the class could run faster than 8.50.
Randall Reed – 2019 HRDW – 8.5200 (Also 2018 HRDW – 8.5214)
Jason Doisher – 2017 HRDW – 8.5224
Dustin Trance – 2021 HRDW – 8.5225
Tom Franks – 2018 HRDW – 8.5248
James Bailey – 2018 HRDW – 8.5279
2021 Top Three
DUSTIN TRANCE – 8.5225 – Returning
BILL SCHWARZ – 8.5789 – Returning
2019 Top Three
RICK STEINKE 8.539 Ran a perfect 8.500 on Day two

2018 Top Three
Event Updates –
A few spots available for One Guys Garage Drag Weekend starting Cordova on Sept 23rd!
Open spots for Carolina Drag Cruise – Oct 6-10
Registration still open for Southeast Street-N-Yeet
Registration opens for KOTOR on Sept 19 at 8am – 200 Spots – get in early
Registration opens for Sick Week on Oct 1st!! Event is Feb 12-17 (Sick Ward is growing to 250 cars!!)
Sick Seconds 2.0 is for sale for $295,000. You can buy it today and race it on Drag Week with Steve Morris as your Co-Pilot! This car has won Drag Week twice and is the only Drag and Drive car to run in the 5s during a drag and drive competition AND that was on Day 5!

Sick Seconds 2.0 Street Legal Pro Mod!!